The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill plans to expand its Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) Program, which was launched in 2005 and is now one of the College of Arts and Sciences fastest-growing minors.
College of Arts and Sciences Dean Kevin M. Guskiewicz said, “Expanding interdisciplinary opportunities is one of my key strategic priorities so that we remove the academic silos that can limit innovative teaching, learning, and research.”
Many of society’s most pressing challenges—how to address poverty, for example—have moral, political, and economic dimensions and benefit from examination across fields. By offering courses in the three core disciplines, a capstone seminar, and an extracurricular program that includes reading groups, workshops, and a speaker series, PPE helps students build the methodological and intellectual tools they need to understand complex issues and solve them.
Read UNC-Chapel Hill’s story here and find a copy of the grant agreement here.