Time Magazine: Author Ron Stodghill Mentions Koch-UNCF Partnership
Ron Stodghill, author of a new book on challenges facing the HBCU community, discussed CKF’s support of UNCF in a new piece for Time Magazine. Last year the Charles Koch Foundation joined with Koch Industries, Inc. to support student scholarships and programming at UNCF-member Historically Black Colleges and Universities. The grant aids students in their exploration of a marketplace of ideas through an online community and annual summit. Stodghill revisits the grant in a piece titled “What Dr. Dre and the Koch Brothers Have In Common”
“Hanging in the balance, though, are some 325,000 students enrolled in HBCUs today – students who rightly expect these institutions to provide an education that fully prepares them to compete in today’s job market or pursue post-graduate studies… HBCUs are under siege, and the war of words only distracts from the real issue, which is how to rescue them before it’s too late.”
Read the article here.