We support academic programs at hundreds of colleges and universities across the country. Each program is as unique as the faculty member leading it. Here are a few samples of the compelling opportunities created by scholars with our support.
Stephanie Crofton and Daniel Hall created an opportunity for select student programmers at High Point University to develop an economics app for use by hundreds of students in class and experimental economists around the world. Enhancing experiential learning, the app challenges students’ understanding of economic principles and simulates how they would play out in real life.
For the past two years, Alberto Dávila and James Boudreau have led a dynamic program at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (formerly known as The University of Texas-Pan American). The program consists of student fellowships, a speaker series, and a reading group. During the 2013-14 academic year, Boudreau curated reading selections to focus on the national debt. That same year, students in the reading group entered a national competition on the issue called Up to Us. Boudreau mentored students as they applied the ideas and concepts discussed in the weekly reading group to the Up to Us project. They created an original play on the national debt, winning first place in the nation for their work.
Ross Emmett leads a reading group at the James Madison College of Public and International Affairs at Michigan State University. Students meet weekly to discuss readings from authors ranging from Karl Marx to Friedrich Hayek. Emmett, along with his colleague Jeff Biddle, designed the program to facilitate robust discussion among students, encouraging a deeper understanding of ideas that have shaped society across the centuries.